Captools/net Documentation

Table Structure

Table Structure

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Table Structure

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The Captools/net database is comprised of about 26 end-user accessible data tables, plus a number of temporary and system maintenance data tables.


End User Tables


End-user accessible tables are visible to the user as "tabs" on the Captools/net desktop program.  These are as follows, organized by logical grouping (note: some of these tables are accessible only at certain levels of Captools/net, and some may have field limitations at lower levels of Captools/net) :


Clients Tables

Clients - Contains client information, such as name, address, Client Id (tax id), etc.  (limited data fields only below Pro levels).

Beneficiaries - Contains information on family relations and/or beneficiaries of client. (available at Pro/higher levels).  This table has been subordinated to a section of the Client/Account dialog rather than appearing as a separate table in the Captools/net Desktop grid view.


Accounts Tables

Accounts - Contains account information and specifications, linked to client table by the Client ID (which can be the Tax Id).

Sub-Accounts - Permits mapping of broker/dealer or custodian account numbers to account numbers in Captools/net. (available at Pro-2/higher levels).

Account Notes - Permits note-keeping by account. (available at Pro/higher levels).

Transaction Blotter - This table is used to import account transactional information from outside sources such as custodian.  This data can be reviewed in the        transaction blotter and then transferred for permanent storage in the portfolio transaction records of each account.  (available at Pro/higher levels).

Tax Rates - Permits specification of tax rate classes.  Each account in turn is assigned on of these classes.


Account Auxiliary Tables

Reconciliations - This table is used to import custodian position data so that holdings can be reconciled with Captools/net data.  This data is subject to availability of custodian reconciliation data. (available at Pro/higher levels).

Allocations - Permits specification of model portfolios, which can be used to generate trades needed to re-balance portfolios.  (available at Pro/higher levels).

Fee Rates - Permits specification of the rates and methods used to compute fees on client accounts. (available at Pro/higher levels).

Interest Rates - Permits specification of interest rates to be used to generate credit or debit interest transactions on account cash or margin balances (available at Pro-4 level functionality).

Custodian Realized Gains - This table accepts imports of custodian realized gains data for reconciliation with Captools/net data.  This is a Pro/higher feature that is dependent upon the custodian providing data.

Custodian Open Lots - This table accepts imports imports of custodian open lot data for reconciliation with Captools/net data.  This is a Pro/higher feature that is dependent upon the custodian providing data



Securities Information Tables

Security ID - Contains security ticker symbols, cusips, descriptions, types, groups, classes, and other fixed (non-changing information).

Statistics (Computed Data) - Contains security information that usually changes over time, including some downloadable metrics, e.g. P/E ratio and some computed metrics.

Security Types - Defines various types of securities, e.g. security types, groups, classes, etc. including descriptive labels.

Price Histories - Contains pricing history by security.   This data is typically accumulated from downloads or imports.

Distributions Histories - Contains dividend and split history by security.  This data is typically accumulated from downloads or imports.

Financials Histories - Contains fundamental data by security.  This data is typically accumulated from downloads or imports.

Securities Notes - Permits users storage of notes on each security.  (may be restricted or not available on lower level Captools/net products).


Note: Some downloadable data may be restricted on some versions or require subscription to a proprietary service for data downloads.


Portfolios Tables

Transactions - Contains the transactional history of each account's investment history.

Valuations - Contains the valuation history of each account.

Positions - Contains the valuation history of each account to the security level detail.

Portfolio Securities - Contains various security specific specifications that may be unique to each account.


Fund Accounting Tables (for pooled funds accounting, optionally available at Pro-3/higher)

Fund Accounts - Contains pooled funds participant information.

Fund Transactions - Contains pooled funds participant transactions.

Fund Shares - Stores  participant computed fund share holdings by date

Fund Parameters - Contains various pooled funds specifications.

Fund Ledger - (Not currently activated)


Each of the above tables is comprised of data fields.  Most of these fields are visible to the end-user on in the Captools/net desktop program, or become visible if the user employs the "View/Customize" option to make the fields visible.


Captools/net data tables also typically contain a few fields which are never visible to the Captools/net user.  These are intended for internal program use.


Temporary Views


In addition to the above enumerated tables, there are a number of data "Views" that Captools/net generates "on the fly" as they are requested or needed by the end-user.  These views are "temporary tables" in that they are generated from data in other tables but the resultant data is not permanently stored in the data base:


Batch Valuation View - This view can be requested using the "Batch" command from account list and shows the combined valuation history of a group of selected accounts, or of the entire account list.  Unlike the "batch valuation" in the prior Captools/Windows product, this batch valuations stores no data and therefore is always in sync with the underlying portfolio valuations.


Batch Position View - This view can be requested from the Batch Valuation View and shows the underlying position detail.  Unlike the "batch positions" in the prior Captools/Windows product, this view stores no data and therefore is always in sync with the underlying portfolio valuations.


Tax Lot View - This view can be requested from the portfolio transaction screen for a "Sell" transaction, so the user can see what tax lots are available to match the sell against.  A tax-lot assignment utility assists in this function.


Trades View - This view can be requested using the "Batch" command from account list and selecting one on the "Trade Generation" sub-options.  It displays trades computed based upon the allocation table parameters and other user inputs. (this view is limited to Pro/2 higher versions).



System Administration Tables


In addition to the tables intended for end-users, Captools/net contains a number of tables that are used internally to store information about system and user configurations set via dialogs on the Captools Server Control Panel and  via the "Program Preferences Dialog" and User Permissions interface accessible from the Captools/net Desktop program.  There are also some tables devoted to Report settings and scheduling which are updated when you change settings when running reports.