Captools/net Documentation



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Although we think Captools/net may be useful for most investors, and we do our best to minimize bugs, we cannot underwrite everyone's investment decisions or business use of this product.  Before using this program, you should recognize that it involves a high level of complexity which is potentially susceptible to error either in the program code itself or on your part due to incorrect usage. Thus, you should understand that you use and rely upon the results of Captools/net at your own risk.


You should satisfy yourself regarding the adequacy and accuracy of this software with test samples before committing to using and relying upon it on a regular basis.  You should also be aware that updates to the software can introduce bugs that were not previously present. Furthermore, you should review all program output for reasonableness before using it to make investment decisions or passing it on to others.


Examples in this manual are for illustrative purposes only.  Any accompanying data or examples which use real company or security names or identifiers may not be accurate, or  may be out-of-date and should not be used for investment decisions or any other purpose without further verification.


Lastly, examples regarding tax treatment of various investment situations are not intended to offer tax advice.  You should consult your tax advisor concerning the correct reporting of income under your current tax laws.